
Objective Blood Measurement – Drape

Commonly known as OBM – Drape is a one of the most important tools used during childbirth for monitoring blood loss. The main purpose of OBM -Drape is for early detection of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) resulting to prompt initiation of treatment for PPH. Detecting and treating postpartum hemorrhage promptly is critical, as delays can lead to serious complications or even loss of life. Njembuma possesses the capability to manufacture and supply these life-saving drapes across our nation and beyond, serving the entire continent.

We are thrilled to introduce ourselves as one of the leading partners in manufacturing of Objective Blood Measuring Drapes commonly known as OBM-Drape right here in Kenya.
At Njembuma, we take immense pride in presenting this revolutionary product, which has quickly become a game-changer in the field of healthcare. Our relentless commitment to excellence, coupled with our passion for crafting superior solutions, has culminated in the creation of the OBM-Drape, an indispensable tool for childbirth. With the successful completion of clinical trials, it became evident that there was an urgent need for a local manufacturer to provide reliable, high-quality OBM-Drapes.
Njembuma has risen to the occasion, introducing this vital product to meet the healthcare demands and call to save lives lost during childbirth process..

Benefits to you

  • Objective Blood Measurement
    Drape (OBM-Drape) is a one of the most important tools used during childbirth for monitoring blood loss.
  • Early diagnosis
    The main purpose of OBM-Drape is for early diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage resulting from clinical intervention for postpartum hemorrhage in patients having vaginal delivery
  • Delays in the detection
    Delays in the detection or treatment of postpartum hemorrhage can result in complications or death.
  • Capacity to manufacture
    We have capacity to manufacture and supply these drapes across the country.

Designed for use during vaginal childbirth in hospital settings. Serves as a reliable tool for collecting and monitoring blood loss during childbirth. Facilitates easy monitoring of blood loss through its calibrated gauge.

Ø Used during childbirth.
Ø Blood Collection reception
Ø Easy to monitor Blood Loss Using the Calibration Gauge
Ø Straps wrapped around the abdomen to fastened Receptor

The Our OBM-Drape has undergone rigorous testing and validation at various selected sites, including Kakamega General County Teaching and Referral Hospital. These tests have consistently proven its effectiveness in the prompt detection of postpartum hemorrhage. Notably, the well-researched article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, based on studies conducted in multiple African countries, underscores the urgent need for such drapes in detecting PPH..

We are dedicated to ongoing research in collaboration with our partners to ensure the development of an affordable tool that can be utilized in every healthcare facility. Furthermore, we will actively engage with relevant government agencies to establish policies that incorporate this essential tool as part of the standard maternity package for childbirth nationwide. Our commitment is to enhance maternal healthcare and reduce the incidence of PPH across the country.

Usage Instruction

a. Open OBM -Drape’s outer cover and remove OBM -Drape.
b. Remove the OBM -Drape from the inner cover.
c. Unwrap OBM -Drape.
d. Place the OBM -Drape in a way that the conical transparent pouch is at the edge of the table and the top portion of the OBM -Drape should be placed on the delivery couch.
e. Place the patient in a way that the drape lies beneath her back.
f. Immediately the baby is born, attach the conical V pouch on the mat.
g. Determine the amount of bleeding through the calibration marks on the conical transparent V pouch of OBM -Drape.
h. Fold the pouch for incineration with other disposable medical waste.

Graylands IV G12 Off Mombasa Road, Athi River Nairobi
